If you are the kind of person who is meticulous and manage all of your expenses or want to do, this is your chance!
Wallet is a free app that gives you the ability to manage, record and control all your movements and spending money you do.
Simply enter the amount and what you used the money for. The application makes the rest.
All data is stored on the internal memory of the device, system folders. Nobody can access your information.
You always know your balance on your bank accounts and cash that you have.
You can also view the log of all your movements and expenses.
✔ The application has a minimum size, and also stored data.
✔ It can be handled quickly, easily and intuitively.
✔ The data is stored within the system, to prevent not allowed access.
✔ You can move the app to your phone's SD card, if you do not want to take up space.
✔ You can export your data to CSV (Excel).
✔ You can backup your data to external storage and restore it.
✔ You can move money between your accounts.
✔ Watch your expenses by date and category.
✔ You can modify your movements and expenses.
✔ It is possible to show other currency in stead of Euro.
✔ It has an User Guide on PDF explaining how to use it.
Do you want more features?
Try Premium Edition!
Internet access is used to display the banner.
MiniApp apps are in constantly development:
If you like it, please, leave me a feedback.
Doesn't work on your device? Do you have some questions or suggestions?
Contact us!
The less size, the more performance!
Jika Anda adalah tipe orang yang teliti dan mengelola semua pengeluaran Anda atau ingin lakukan, ini adalah kesempatan Anda!
Dompet adalah aplikasi gratis yang memberikan Anda kemampuan untuk mengelola, mencatat dan mengendalikan semua gerakan Anda dan menghabiskan uang Anda.
Cukup masukkan jumlah dan apa yang Anda menggunakan uang itu untuk. Aplikasi ini membuat sisanya.
Semua data disimpan di memori internal folder perangkat, sistem. Tidak ada yang dapat mengakses informasi Anda.
Anda selalu tahu saldo Anda di rekening bank Anda dan uang yang Anda miliki.
Anda juga dapat melihat log dari semua gerakan Anda dan biaya.
✔ Aplikasi ini memiliki ukuran minimum, dan juga disimpan data.
✔ Hal ini dapat ditangani dengan cepat, mudah dan intuitif.
✔ Data disimpan dalam sistem, untuk mencegah tidak diperbolehkan akses.
✔ Anda dapat memindahkan aplikasi ke kartu SD ponsel Anda, jika Anda tidak ingin mengambil ruang.
✔ Anda dapat mengekspor data ke CSV (Excel).
✔ Anda dapat cadangan data ke penyimpanan eksternal dan mengembalikannya.
✔ Anda dapat memindahkan uang antar rekening Anda.
✔ Perhatikan pengeluaran Anda berdasarkan tanggal dan kategori.
✔ Anda dapat memodifikasi gerakan Anda dan biaya.
✔ Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk menunjukkan mata uang lainnya dalam manfaat dari Euro.
✔ Memiliki Panduan Pengguna pada PDF menjelaskan bagaimana menggunakannya.
Apakah Anda ingin lebih banyak fitur?
Coba Premium Edition!
Akses internet digunakan untuk menampilkan banner.
Aplikasi MiniApp berada di menerus pengembangan:
Jika Anda suka, silahkan, tinggalkan aku umpan balik.
Tidak bekerja pada perangkat Anda? Apakah Anda memiliki beberapa pertanyaan atau saran?
Hubungi kami!
Semakin sedikit ukuran, lebih kinerja!
If you are the kind of person who is meticulous and manage all of your expenses or want to do, this is your chance!
Wallet is a free app that gives you the ability to manage, record and control all your movements and spending money you do.
Simply enter the amount and what you used the money for. The application makes the rest.
All data is stored on the internal memory of the device, system folders. Nobody can access your information.
You always know your balance on your bank accounts and cash that you have.
You can also view the log of all your movements and expenses.
✔ The application has a minimum size, and also stored data.
✔ It can be handled quickly, easily and intuitively.
✔ The data is stored within the system, to prevent not allowed access.
✔ You can move the app to your phone's SD card, if you do not want to take up space.
✔ You can export your data to CSV (Excel).
✔ You can backup your data to external storage and restore it.
✔ You can move money between your accounts.
✔ Watch your expenses by date and category.
✔ You can modify your movements and expenses.
✔ It is possible to show other currency in stead of Euro.
✔ It has an User Guide on PDF explaining how to use it.
Do you want more features?
Try Premium Edition!
Internet access is used to display the banner.
MiniApp apps are in constantly development:
If you like it, please, leave me a feedback.
Doesn't work on your device? Do you have some questions or suggestions?
Contact us!
The less size, the more performance!